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EEM Home Page #2:

For more information, please go to the artburn.00server.com site.
I am using this site primarily to hold the images of my most recent works ( see the photo page). I ran out of space on the original site, and was forced to create this page. Thanks for understanding.

As you can imagine, I could spend a great deal of time adding things to this web page, but for me, my artwork is the top priority. I have a number of requests that I need to complete before I can do any more significant work on this page. I hope you enjoy what I have been able to do so far!

Well, I finally finished #045 Guernica. Whew!!
This one is 20" wide, and took quite a while, but I am very pleased with the end result.

I'm sure you will agree that this is one of my best to date!!

I sold this piece to Juan Tamez, and gave it to him on good faith. When he got it home, he said his wife didn't like it, although I think rather she didn't like the price he paid :-)!

I was having seller's remorse the whole time he had it, especially since I hadn't been paid for it.

After 4 weeks, we agreed that I would take Guernica back, and he would instead, commision a portrait of his parents.